
In 2004 Ken Marchionno was invited to photograph the nearly three hundred-mile memorial horseback ride, the Oomaka Tokatakiya, Future Generations Ride. He returned each year until 2009. In 2006, on the urging of youth leader, Manaja Hill, Ken started the Future Generations Teen Photojournalism Project to teach photography on the ride.

Each year two teens from local Indian Reservations were chosen and supplied with cameras, computers, and wireless internet access. Every day they photographed the ride, and every evening uploaded selected images to a website so that anyone could follow the ride on the web as it occurred.

The photographs in this collection were taken by Ken Marchionno and students of the Project: TC Hill, Sandy Frank, Joshua Hale, Ica Ducheneaux, and Joseph Looking Horse.

The quotes were taken from interviews conducted by Ken Marchionno and Kim Abeles in 2008 and 2007, respectively.

For more information on either the ride or the project, please select the links or news page.